As communicated, we had 2 weeks to remove the remainder of Mom and Dad's belongings from the Assisted Living facility, apartment 220. The remainder of Mom and Dad's belongings have been moved to the following climate-controlled storage location. Matt and Chris spent 3 days packing loose belongings and consolidating as time permitted. We were able to dispose of 5 cart loads of garbage prior to the relocation to storage. Please visit using the Access Procedure and the codes that were texted within the next few months to further identify garbage and to finish collecting any items you may want.
The Location?
United Self Storage Facility
21005 Division Street
Crest Hill, IL 60403
ph: 815-741-8940
5 minutes from StoryPoint
7 Days
5am - 10pm
Loads of Trash:
The best entrance is in the rear of the building using the RED door. There is a garage-style door with carts available. Use the Access Procedure and the texted code. The code is the same for the outside door and the combination lock on the unit. The garage-style door can be opened from the inside with the push-button controls. The garage-style door will automatically close after 5-10 minutes so you may want to block the ankle-level sensor to temporarily keep it open.
The Locker:R62
View from Rear Entrance:
Rear Entrance Interior:
Front Entrance Interior: